Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From Texas to Turkey

As early Thursday morning draws near,there are a million thoughts in my head, maybe not a million. It is hard to believe just a little over 6-months ago we returned from Turkey with the certainty that God had called us to return to Turkey to serve the workers that are giving their lives away there, and we are still certain of that call today.

It has been an amazing 6-months, and we have seen our God open every door that needed to be open including 6 local churches and 1 Marriage Ministry Org. encouraging us, praying for us, and offering financial support. We also was able to sell our home at a time when real estate sales has been moving very slowly.

Leaving your family, your church and friends isn't easy. However, we rejoice in the fact that our church family understood that we had been called. So on Sunday our church family went all out to celebrate what God is doing. Sunday is a day that neither Pat or I will ever forget. Thank you for all of the love you poured out NWF.

We are now packed and ready to begin the journey. We will enjoy breakfast with our sons in the morning and then fly to Newark for a connecting flight to Paris and to Istanbul. We are spending 3 day in Istanbul to try to network and attend one of the churches in Istanbul. Please pray for good weather, good connections, and a safe flight until we get to our destination in Bodrum on Monday. Thank you.

1 comment:

Noe said...

Be of good cheer and know we all wish you well and pray for you constantly.